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Application Form
Please read our rules and regulations before filling the form

Students are expected to attend every day and arrive on time to the Maktab. In case of absence or being late due to exceptional circumstances, parents are required to inform the Maktab by text or phone call.

Students aren’t permitted to miss Madrassah for ongoing reasons such as clubs or hobbies due to the adverse effect regular absences can cause. If a parent wants their child to attend such activities, it must be accommodated for in separate times, by moving to the weekend or online maktab time slots.

We have tried to keep madrassah holidays in line with school holidays, we therefore request that you make any planned outings/holidays during these holidays.

Authorised absence is where the Maktab has either given approval in advance for a pupil to be absent, or has accepted an explanation offered afterwards by parents as satisfactory justification. All other absences will be classified as unauthorised.

Absence by a student of 2 weeks or more without notification will automatically terminate the student’s place from the Maktab if no justifiable reason is giving after consulting with the parents.

The registration takes place 5 minutes after class starting time. If a pupil arrives after the register has been taken, they will be marked ‘late’ in the register.

Please do not bring your child too early to the Maktab as we will take no responsibility for children arriving more than 15 minutes before the Maktab starts. We will take no responsibility 15 minutes after the class has finished; repeated negligence of being late to receive your child could lead to exclusion of a child from Maktab

For the renting of the premises and running of the Maktab, it is vital that Fees is paid on time.

Please try to pay your fees as early in the month as possible. Please note, there will be a fine of £1 per day after the 14th of the same month if no reason has been given by the parents.

If you have financial hardship and find it hard to make full fee payment, please contact us in writing explaining your circumstances with evidences. We will review your application and if authorized, we may offer you some reduction in your monthly fee. Each application will be dealt with on a case–to–case basis by our admin team.

Families going on holidays during the term are expected to give us written information and are required to make full payment in advance. There will not be any reduction in fee for not attending the Maktab during holidays. Families going on holiday without any prior information may lose their places in Maktab.

Our classes take place 42 weeks a year, with 10 weeks off for holidays. (As opposed to the school curriculum which has 13 weeks off)

Total Maktab fee’s are £440 per year paid in monthly instalments over 11 months.

Please note:

The fee is payable in full irrespective of Maktab or personal holidays.

The fee is payable in full irrespective of number of days  per week attended.

Students are required to display a high level of obedience, good conduct and good behaviour at all times. Any misconduct, bad behaviour may lead to permanent exclusion.

No verbal or physical abuse will be tolerated from parents or students towards teachers, staff or other students. In the event of such an incident, the child concerned will be expelled immediately.

Behaviour in class:

  • Students must respect, listen to and obey the teacher at all times.
  • Students must respect their books, Qurans and Qaidahs, they should handle them with care.
  • Students must respect each other.
  • Students should arrive at Maktab free of any eating or drinking needs as time is limited and drinking or eating in Maktab disturbs the class (other than exceptional circumstances whereby the admin should be informed).
  • Students should refrain from bringing any personal belongings or unnecessary items. No mobile phones or any other handheld electrical device, toys or any games are allowed in the Maktab, should any child be found with these items, they will be confiscated. Parents will need to arrange a time with admin to collect the item.

Dress Code: Students’ appearance is required to strictly adhere and uphold the Islamic rules and regulations pertaining to the dress code.

  • For boys: the dress code is a Jubba or Salwar Kameez and hat.
  • For girls: the dress code is an Abaya and scarf



We would like to remind you of our policy pertaining to all of the above.

According to the policy, any of the following will be considered a Breach:
– Two unauthorised absences in a week
– Three times being late in a week (past 10 mins)
– Two times being sent out of class due to misbehaviour
– Two parking incidents in a week

A breach would then lead to going up a stage:
Stage 1: Parents will be sent a message
Stage 2: Contact by phone
Stage 3: Parents will be called in for a meeting, final warning will be issued
Stage 4: Suspended or Excluded

Please note: The waiting list is over two years long at the moment


We have three timeslots in total and seven classes running in each timeslot.

If the class you’ve opted for is full, your child’s name will be added to the waiting list for that particular class and you will be notified if a place becomes available (for example, if other parents decline their offer of a place in that same class).

If after applying for a certain timeslot, you would like to move your child to a different timeslot, please contact the administration team via email or Whatsapp. Please note: your child will be added to the end of the newly opted waiting list.

Your child’s position on a waiting list can go down as well as up based on circumstances such as address, siblings etc
This, however, only takes place in the last few weeks of waiting and not soon upon applying.

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