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Islamic Advisory Q&A Fatwa Service

Islamic Advisory | Q & A Fatwa Service

❓ Have you ever felt confused, worried or alone?
❓ Have you ever felt unsure or doubtful about your Faith?
❓ Have you ever had questions about the Deen you wish you could ask someone in a safe and secure environment?
❓ Do you wish there was a way to speak one to one with a Mufti?

✔ These sessions are an opportunity to speak one to one with Mufti Sajjad on any questions or issues you may have.
✔ Get your questions answered, settle any doubts and clarify confusion all in the light of Quran and Sunnah
✔ Open to Non-Muslims and Muslims of all backgrounds, sects and levels of practise
✔ Attend in person only (Phone consultations are no longer possible)

Open to Brothers and Sisters
Saturdays 2:15pm-3:45pm

Please message any advise you require via Whatsapp to 07784 032496 and we will help where we can

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