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Monthly Summary
Here's what happened at Ad-Duha this month!

Including our Youth activities, Adult courses, Community projects, Sisters gatherings and Family Events
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Perfecting Your Salah Workshop

This month, we had a very insightful Workshop Series with Mufti Sajjad on Perfecting your Salah

The sessions included the virtues of Salah, how to pray Istikhara and Janazah Salah, wiping on leather socks, the chapters of classical texts such as Nur al Idah and various Masaail on Salah.

Sessions ran on Saturdays throughout February, with much covered in a few weeks Alhamdulillah. 

May Allah s.w.t reward Mufti Sajjad for his efforts and time in helping us focus on this most important act of Worship

The Busy Muslimah's Ramadan Workshop

As part of our annual Ramadan Preparation workshop, we had a series of talks and discussions on preparing for Ramadan.

After listening to motivating talks on the virtues of Ramadan, giving time to the Quran, virtues of Nawaafil and Dhikr,

sisters held discussions in groups on making more time for Ibadah, simplifying cooking and household tasks in Ramadan, how to avoid the ‘Mid-Ramadan drop’ and much more.

Sisters then looked for ways of planning their time to make the most of every moment.


Pearls - The teenage girls guide to Ramadan

Pearls this month was all about preparing for the beautiful month of Ramadan ahead of us.

After engaging in some important discussions on setting Ramadan goals, eliminating distractions and how to spend Ramadan at school, the girls looked in detail at those things that break the fast and those that don’t with a competitive quiz to test their learning.

Afterwards they used their art skills to make their own Ramadan lantern jars / drinking cups.

Homeschoolers - Get ready for Ramadan!

Learning was fun this month with our Homeschooling club engaged in various activities in preparation of Ramadan.

After trying to find the different moon phases around the room and identifying the correct one, our little Homeschoolers learned all about the virtues of Ramadan, Dua and Forgiveness, blessings of charity and the Month of Quran

They made Ramadan lantern quotes, good deeds trackers, Juz Amma checklists and charity house boxes.

Sisters Monthly Gathering - Reconnecting to the Quran

A beautiful talk about reconnecting to the Quran this Ramadan

Ustadha highlighted 5 practical steps we can take this Ramadan to make the Quran a part of our lives this Ramadan and beyond.

May Allah s.w.t reward Ustadha for her efforts, Ameen

Tafseer Dars: Surah Naba

Beautiful points and insights from the Weekly Thursday night Tafseer Dars.

This month, Ustadh Azhar covered Surah Naba with a focus on the profound beauty, connection and eloquence of the verses.


Chai and Chat

Chai and Chat was buzzing with activity, warm drinks and conversation.

Coffee Mornings

This month, the talks were about preparing for the beautiful month ahead of us.

Ustadhas spoke about the blessings of Ramadan, the month of change, Ramadan of the righteous and reconnecting with the Quran.

We also looked at lessons we can derive for our daily lives.

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