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Monthly Summary
Here's what happened at Ad-Duha this month!

Including our Youth activities, Adult courses, Community projects, Sisters gatherings and Family Events
Read on Below


Eid In the Park

Eid in the park this year was extra special with sweets, bubbles and guest appearances from Batman and Spider-Man

Honest Answers: The Evolution of Hadith

Alhamdulillah, an immensely rewarding first session as we benefitted from the knowledge of Mufti Liaquat Zaman on the topic of the Evolution of Hadith.

Ustadh explained the nuances behind how the science of Hadith was established and how Hadith grading can vary depending on a number of factors.

The practice of sitting down with and benefitting from Shuyukh is something without parallel.

May Allah s.w.t reward Mufti Liaquat for his time and efforts and for making this subject more accessible for people to understand, Ameen.

Full lecture here:

IERA Dawah Training Workshop

An excellent session delivered by IERA at Ad-Duha Institute

The session talked about the importance and obligation of Da’wah and included tips on how to give Da’wah.

Afterwards, the brothers set up a Da’wah stall in the Solihull shopping centre and put their learning into practice.

May Allah s.w.t reward the team at IERA for the exceptional work they are doing, Ameen.

Monthly Talk: Actions speak louder than words

An excellent talk by Maulana Abdus Samad on focusing on our A’maal more than our words.

May Allah s.w.t grant us all the ability to do good actions for His sake, Ameen

Full lecture available here:

Sister's Workshops

The ‘Securing Muslim Children’s identity and future at school’ workshop was a treasure trove of information and tips on supporting our children through the changing dynamic of our times,

knowing our rights as British citizens and support for issues children may face at school, such as access to prayer spaces and Halal food.

JazakAllahu Khayran to the team @mendcommunity for their efforts and the excellent work they are doing and to sister Tesnim and Hina for holding an interactive and engaging session at Ad-Duha.


Maktab: End of Year Exams, Awards and Fun

With the Maktab academic year coming to an end, students completed their yearly exams and then enjoyed end-of-year parties and awards.

All our students worked exceptionally hard, with over 30 students achieving awards for their efforts throughout the year and everyone enjoying treats and yummy food.

May Allah s.w.t grant our students success in this world and the next and make them a means of Sadaqah Jariyah for their parents and teachers, Ameen.

Kids Weekly Football

Kick-off to Kids weekly football coaching sessions for boys aged 6-16

Sessions are led by qualified FA coaches and are run by Ad-Duha Institute, Madmud Sabir Masjid and IQ centre.

Homeschoolers Club: Life of Musa a.s

Homeschooling Club this month was all about the life of Prophet Musa a.s.

To begin the session, the children listened to the story of Musa a.s. They then played a game guessing the miracle given to each Prophet.

Afterwards they made some crafts, a splitting the sea craft and basket weaving.

To end the session, they played a game to recap everything they’d learned.

Boys to Men: Quranic Revelations

The wet weather wasn’t enough to stop our youngsters coming to the Masjid.

Even though the trip was cancelled, the boys used this time for fun and games indoors and some Quranic Reflections

Pearls: Laser Tag

Pearls – Laser tag was a blast

With minutes to find and eliminate opponents, the girls had to be very careful and watch their step.

They enjoyed 2 action-packed games and teamed up for higher points.


Dads and Doughnuts: Harmony at Home

Dad’s and Doughnuts this month was on the topic of: Harmony at Home

Brothers held discussions in groups whilst enjoying some delicious doughnuts

Chai & Chat

This month’s Chai and Chat – Eid special was a great way to End the Eid holidays with a challenging Kahoot to keep everyone on their toes.

Well done to team Ali & Shaq for getting first place!

Coffee Mornings: Traits to Nurture in our Children

Some very insightful topics this month with our usual sisters’ gatherings and treats.

Each week was a new topic, a fresh perspective and key points to hold onto with examples from the lives of the best who walked amongst us.

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