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At Ad–Duha institute, we have been developing our Maktab syllabus for a number of years to fit students developing learning styles and requirements. We understand that children are young and can lose concentration so lesson times are structured and planned efficiently to ensure that children are able to practise reading and continue learning through both classical methods and modern teaching methods whilst remaining motivated and having a clear perspective of their targets.
At Ad–Duha institute, we have been developing our syllabus for a number of years to fit students learning styles and requirements. We understand that children are young and can lose concentration so the time your child will spend at our madrassah will be efficiently scheduled to ensure that children read, learn and also have fun with engaging lessons.
The syllabus covers 3 core subjects
These topics are not only taught to cover classical knowledge but their relevance to our lives today are explored and explained in detail allowing students to develop a deeper understanding, good manners and etiquettes and giving them a strong foundational knowledge in Islam
Students begin their journey of recitation with the by focusing primarily on correct pronunciation and articulation of the letters as well as learning how to recognise different forms and becoming comfortable with the Arabic script. Their next steps are to learn and apply stretches, vowel markings, joins, longer Madds, exception rules and also to practise line fluency and stopping in the correct manner. They do this by studying the Qa’idah extensively.
After many years of trialling, the Qa’idah we have found the most effective is the ‘Safar Qa’idah’ as it contains many exercises with words exclusively from the Quran giving students sufficient time to master the concepts they are learning. Students who do a thorough study of the Qa’idah show much more accuracy and fluency than others and when they move on to Quran often end up completing their 1st Quran reading with Tajweed much before those who learn through shorter Qa’idahs or who go through the lessons without understanding the concepts.
After completion of the Qāʿidah, students then begin to recite the Juz ʿAmma and then progress to begin reciting the Qurʿān from Juz 1. During their first reading from cover to cover, students are taught correct articulation and application of the Tajweed rules as and when they are ready for them as these are taught on a one-to-one basis depending on when students are ready for each rule. Initially correct articulation, stretches and joining are the main focus as most mistakes are caused by errors in these. During the last two stages, more complex rules of reading and reciting (Tajweed) are taught. By the end of the course, students will insha’Allah have attained a high standard of Tajweed.
Our syllabus also emphasizes the teaching of Salah and memorisation of various Duas from the Sunnah that aid us in our daily lives. Students are tested by teachers regularly to check for errors and their progress is tracked throughout the year. Other than the recitation in Salah, various other aspects are taught such as the importance of Salah, translation, various Fiqh rulings etc.
The basic Surah memorisation target for all students by the time they complete their Maktab journey is to have memorised Juz Amma. This is to ensure that students are able to recite a number of Surahs from memory for their daily Salah and to strengthen their Quranic connection. Students who have completed this then continue on to memorise more or begin a Hifdh journey.
As a madrassah, our main focus, alongside teaching the recitation of the Quran, is to provide students with essential knowledge which can help them develop into upright and knowledgeable Muslims who will be a source of benefit to themselves, their families and the wider community. With misinformation becoming prevalent in our society for even the youngest members of the community, we aim to instil a love for learning about Islam in our young learners as well as aid them in using their skills to cause positive changes in themselves and those around.
Some of the aspects we cover are:
•Fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence; the rules and practices we follow in Islam)
•Aqīdah (understanding correct Islamic beliefs)
•Sīrah (The biography of the Prophet Muḥammad, peace be upon him, and its relevance)
•Islamic history, spanning the lives of all the previous Prophets as well as major events of importance
•Ādāb (Islamic manners and etiquette essential to a moral and rewarding life)
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For the renting of the premises and running of the Maktab, it is vital that Fees are paid on time.
Please try to pay your fees as early in the month as possible. Please note, there will be a fine of £1 per day after the 14th of the same month if no reason has been given by the parents.
If you have financial hardship and find it hard to make full fee payment, please contact us in writing explaining your circumstances with evidences. We will review your application and if authorized, we may offer you some reduction in your monthly fee. Each application will be dealt with on a case–to–case basis by our admin team.
Families going on holidays during the term are expected to give us written information and are required to make full payment in advance. There will not be any reduction in fee for not attending the Maktab during holidays. Families going on holiday without any prior information may lose their places in Maktab
Get In Touch
Ad-Duha Foundation, 1164-1166 Stratford Road, B28 8AQ