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A post-maktab course for students who desire to study further.
Probably the most essential age to keep connected with the masjid, the deen and like-minded people.
This is usually the age our children stop studying at a madrassah and move on to other things. However, knowing the impact a person’s company plays in their life should motivate us to influence that company.
Why Choose Us?
The course has two main purposes:
1. With children reaching their teenage years, their exposure to haram is dramatically increased. (Music, bad language, mixing with the opposite gender).
Alongside this they’re taught atheistic theories and values in a way which makes them doubt their Deen and upbringing.
We aim to have subjects which both cover contemporary matters (atheism, hijab etc) and motivational lessons to make them want to stay away from haram
2. We aim to give them a headstart into any further studies they may want to do in their deen. Be it the Alimiyyah course or the Arabic language or even learning to translate the Qur’an
7:30pm: Contemporary Matters
8:30pm: Qur’an Translation and Tafseer
7:30pm: Qur’an Reading and Tajweed
8:30pm: Seerah
Learning to translate the Qur’an word by word and the context in which each ayah was revealed whilst taking relevant lessons for living in todays society
Islamic Jurisprudence taught in a simple manner.
From the faraa’idh of ghusl, to the method of salatul Janazah, we aim to cover the basics of fiqh in a comprehensive manner helping each child navigate their day to day life.
The fiqh taught is according to the Hanafi school, with occasional references to the Shafi’, Maliki and Hanbali schools.
Topics include:
Taharah & Najasah
Haydh and puberty pt1
Haydh and Puberty pt2
Tayammum & Khuffs
Fiqh of fasting
Fiqh of Salah pt1
Fiqh of Salah pt2
Fiqh of Salah pt3
Controversial questions and ideas we hear daily at school, from friends or even on youtube.
From athiesm and hijab to homosexuality. The aim is to cover all controversial topics in an Islamic Manner to instill confidence in the understanding and confidence of our youth
Motivational reminders, taking lessons from historical figures, helping us in our day to day lives.
Topics include:
Lesson 1: 10 promised paradise
Lesson 2: Abu Bakr & Umar r.a
Lesson 3: Uthman r.a
Lesson 4: Ali r.a
Lesson 5: The Sunni Shi’a split
Lesson 6: The Umayyads and the Abbasids
Lesson 7: Muslim Spain
Lesson 8: The Ottoman empire
Lesson 9: History of Al Aqsa
Lesson 10: Muslim impact on civilization
Lesson 11: How Islam spread across the world
Get In Touch
Ad-Duha Foundation, 1164-1166 Stratford Road, B28 8AQ