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Monthly SummaryHere’s what happened at Ad-Duha this month!

Including our Youth activities, Adult courses, Community projects, Sisters gatherings and Family EventsRead on Below


Tafseer and Family Iftaars

This Ramadan at Ad-Duha Institute we held programs for the whole family, with Tafseer lectures, family Iftaars and time for individual Ibadah.

Surahs covered during the Saturday Tafseer programs were: Surah Waqi’ah, Surah Fajr, Surah Qadr and Surah A’laa


Men of Honour:
The Quranic Mirror

This Ramadan for brothers, every Sunday, we focused on reflective Lessons from the lives of the Prophets mentioned in the Qur’an.

Brothers held discussions to construct a deeper connection to the Qur’an this Ramadan.

Discussions were held in groups with a similar format to Dads and Doughnuts.

Sisters Tafseer:
Journey Through the Quran

This Ramadan for sisters, 3 days a week, we focused on various Surahs of the Quran, the background and important lessons we can reflect on.

Sisters covered the Tafseer of 11 Surahs, Rabbanaa Duas and also practised recitation.

Sisters worked hard throughout Ramadan and did an exam with certificates awarded to those who passed the course.


Eid Parties!

We had Eid gatherings for all ages including:

-> Revert sisters Eid gathering

-> Revert brothers Eid gathering

-> Eid party for boys

-> Eid party for girls

-> Coffee Morning Eid party



Ramadan 2024 competition:
The Ramadan Adventure

This Ramadan, children worked especially hard, completing 16+ tasks focusing on Ibadah and improving ourselves.

Each week, a new list of assignments was unlocked with children racing against the clock to complete the weekly tasks and submit them.

Alhamdulillah, we received hundreds of entries with everyone raising more than £10k for their week 4 task.

Ramadan Teens Competition –
Ramadan with Jama’ah / The Quran

Alhamdulillah, Ramadan was extra special this time around with the masjid constantly populated with teens reciting Qur’an, helping out or just spending time in the house of Allah!
Scroll down to see the final standing of an extremely competitive competition.

Prizes were given out over the weekend according to the final tier standings.
All participants recieved certificates too

May Allah reward our youngsters for their efforts and grant them the ability to build further on it.



After Fajr and Asr reminders

Beautiful points and insights from the reminders after Fajr and Asr.

Throughout the month of Ramadan, Ustadhs focused on the benefits of Dhikr in the life of a Muslim and a word-by-word analysis of Surah Fatiha.

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