Including our Youth activities, Adult courses, Community projects, Sisters gatherings and Family Events
Boys to Men: Best of the Best
This month, Boys to Men had some in depth discussions and focus activities on:
-> What it means to be the best
-> Tips on becoming the best version of ourselves
-> Prioritising the key elements in life
-> Workshops and discussions to engage all participants
-> Praying together in Jamaa’ah
Prophetic Parenting Workshop
This month we held our Prophetic Parenting workshop with a focus on parenting in today’s world according to the Sunnah.
We had 50+ sisters join us for the workshop and join in some very beneficial discussions Alhamdulillah.
The course gave a wholistic summary of parenting through different ages and advice on how best to navigate them with an Islamic focus.
Monthly Talk: The Dunya and the Akhira
Mufti Zameelur Rahman gave a very beneficial reminder about the relevance of this world compared to the next and getting our priorities right.
May Allah s.w.t grant us all Tawfeeq to act upon the topics discussed.

Pearls: Fragrant Friends
This session the girls looked into the importance and value of good company and maintaining friendships as well as what makes a true friend.
We focused on the following the Hadith: Verily, the parable of good company and bad company is only that of a seller of musk and a blacksmith. (Bukhari)
The girls took part in bonding activities, Halal entertainment with friends and arcade games at the IQ centre.
Maktab Classes: Muslim Identity
This month’s theme was the topic of Muslim Identity.
Students have been learning about inner and outer manifestations of Islam and what it means to be a Muslim.
They’ve been looking at the character and traits of a Muslim and how outward acts of worship have an effect on our hearts.
As an end to the month, students expressed what they had learned by writing a coded letter about what it means to be a Muslim.
Further Maktab: Music and Freemixing
This month, as part of the Contemporary Issues unit students have been focusing on the topic of Music and Freemixing.
Students looked into the history and origins whilst also looking at various Ayaat and Ahadith on these subjects.

Chai & Chat
Chai & Chat will now be open to all from next month. Brothers, sisters and children.
All are welcome to join in these community gatherings, including friends and neighbours.
Sisters Coffee Mornings: Islamophobia
As part of Islamophobia awareness month, a series of talks were done on the topic of Islamophobia.
Intricate issues were brought forward, such as origins of Islamophobia and Islamophobia in the times of the Prophets.
Methods of dealing with Islamophobia were also discussed.