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Monthly Summary
Here's what happened at Ad-Duha this month!

Including our Youth activities, Adult courses, Community projects, Sisters gatherings and Family Events
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Standing With Palestine Auction

A great auction hosted by Ustadh Waseem Khan for the Action for Humanity Gaza appeal.

Ustadh Waseem gave an uplifting talk on the situation in Palestine and our roles as believers, as well as the background and history of Bani Israeel.

Alhamdulillah, in a short space of time, over £3000 was raised. 

Honest Answers: The Halal Food Industry

A very insightful session with Mufti Sarfraz Mohammed on the Halal Food Industry

The session included answering both classical issues on Halal and Haraam, such as consuming meat from the Ahlul Kitaab, and contemporary issues, such as consuming artificial meat / non-alcoholic wine e.t.c

In a short time span, Mufti Sarfraz gave much clarity and depth to this important topic. May Allah s.w.t reward him for his efforts.

Sisters Monthly Gatherings: Palestine Close to our hearts

A beautiful and captivating talk by Ustadha Syeda Alima from As-Suffa Institute.

Ustadha spoke about how we, as an Ummah have a duty towards Palestine, how we should instill love for Palestine in the hearts of our children and various ways we can make a difference.


Maktab Theme - Palestine

This Month, our students have been studying the history of Palestine and the occupation.

Students have been making Palestine flags and writing out quotes.

They’ve also been writing letters from the perspective of Palestinian children and discussing Duas we can make.

Homeschoolers - All about Qadr

This month, our Homeschooling club learned all about the topic of Qadr.

After an interactive storytime, the children got creative and made their own Qadr Board games,

They focused on various outcomes and how to make the most of every situation.

Afterwards, everyone enjoyed some more fun and games.

Pearls: Muslimah Youth Club - Lets Talk about Palestine

This month in Pearls, we focused on Palestine and how it is special to us.

The girls looked at historical events that took place in Palestine and the history of Masjid al Aqsa.

They also looked at ways of boycotting in stages and its effects.

Afterwards, the girls enjoyed making Palestine bracelets and earrings whilst socialising, snacking and making friends.


Dads and Doughnuts: Shattered Lives

Dad’s and Doughnuts this month was on the topic of: Shattered Lives – Rebuilding Life after Divorce

Brothers held discussions in groups, giving and receiving advice, whilst enjoying some delicious doughnuts

Coffee Mornings

This month the talks were about Palestine

Ustadhas spoke about the history of Palestine, sanctity and importance of Masjid al Aqsa in the life of a believer and lessons we can derive

We also looked at ways we can boycott and make a difference as a community.

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