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Monthly Summary
Here's what happened at Ad-Duha this month!

Including our Youth activities, Adult courses, Community projects, Sisters gatherings and Family Events
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The Power of Dua

Mufti Mohammed Haroon Hussain gave an enlightening speech about how in times of turmoil and in the most difficult circumstances, the power of Dua is such that it can change the world.

With many incidents of those who came before and modern day examples, the talk is highly recommended.

May Allah s.w.t reward Mufti Haroon for his efforts.

Full lecture can be viewed via our Youtube channel.

Informed and Empowered

Brother Abdullah Saif from Mend gave a very insightful and beneficial workshop on responding to the Palestinian crisis.

Brother Abdullah gave tips on how students can maintain a respectful school environment whilst facilitating informed discussion and how we, as parents, can understand and address sensitive issues and encourage positive expressions.

May Allah s.w.t reward brother Abdullah and the team at Mend for the excellent work they are doing, Ameen.

Food for Palestine

Alhamdulillah, with some determination and Coffee Morning fundraising, in a short space of time, sisters used their culinary skills to raise funds for Palestine.

May Allah s.w.t grant us all the ability to do whatever is in our means to support our beloved brothers and sisters.


Maktab Theme - Seerah

This Month, our students worked very hard and looked closely at the life of the Prophet s.a.w.

They researched what were the first words and Ayahs of the Quran to be revealed. They also made maps outlining the journey of the Hijrah.

They concluded the month by making Seerah timelines for the main stages of the life of the Prophet s.a.w.

Homeschoolers - All about Ibadah

This month, our Homeschooling club learned all about the various types of Ibadah

After watching a play, the children got creative and practised their own plays, outlining that Ibadah is not only restricted to our daily Salah e.t.c

They also got creative and made some ‘Ibadah clouds’.

Afterwards, everyone enjoyed some more fun and games.

Muslimah Youth Club Pearls - Having fun the Halal way

This month in Pearls, we focused on all the ways of having fun and enjoying ourselves whilst differentiating between what is Halal or Haraam.

The girls looked at the western concept and Islamic concept of entertainment and the goals and ins and outs of both.

They also looked at some common forms of entertainment today and if they would be considered appropriate in light of Islamic teachings, whilst looking at the numerous ways we can enjoy ourselves within boundaries.

Afterwards the girls had fun playing various games and working as a team to meet their challenges.

Muslimah Options - Medical & Dental School

A great initiative with the first session of Muslimah Options focused on the medical field.

Our great volunteers gave insight into the ins and outs of Medical and Dental school and the pathways to navigate them.

May Allah s.w.t reward them for their efforts.

Hamd House - Our Purpose in this World

Two of our Ustadhas gave a talk at Hamd House Secondary School on the purpose of life.

MashaAllah, the students were both motivated and interested in the lesson, with most being able to answer the quiz questions.


Dads and Doughnuts: Dealing with the turmoil in the world

Dad’s and Doughnuts this month was on the topic of: Dealing with the turmoil in the world

Brothers held discussions in groups whilst enjoying some delicious doughnuts

Chai & Chat

Another great Chai & Chat with everyone enjoying some chill time and catching up with others from the community.

Well done to team ‘Two rare guests’ for coming first in a challenging Kahoot testing both General knowledge and questions from the Seerah.

Coffee Mornings

This month the focus was all on the Seerah (Life of the Prophet s.a.w)

Ustadhas spoke about lessons we can derive from the different stages of the Prophet s.a.w’s life including:

Revelation, Oppression of the Muslims at the hands of the Quraysh, the Hijrah, Life in Madinah and the passing away of the Prophet s.a.w.

May Allah s.w.t make us be of those who follow the way of His Messenger s.a.w, Ameen! 

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