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Our theme this month was the topic of Justice in Islam. During the month, students explored the topic of justice in depth. They asked and answered questions such as:

This was also an opportunity to talk about and discuss real-life occurrences pertaining to the absence of justice, equality, fairness and how a Muslim should react in these instances. We also looked at the examples of the Sahabah and justice and talked about lessons we can take for our own lives.

Week 1: Role-Play:

During week one, students enacted a play about justice focusing on themes such as ruler-ship, responsibility and how actions have consequences. They acted out roles such as a king, his ministers, a jailer e.t.c We saw a lot of creativity and there were many laughs and humour as students relayed these important messages whilst understanding the moral of the play.

The homework task for week one was to make a character profile about someone from the play and to write about what they had learned about justice.

Week 2: Debate about justice:

During week two, students were given a scenario with two possible solutions, they were told to pick a side depending on what they thought would be fairer and more just. This quickly resulted in two sides with strong points and balanced arguments. This taught students about seeing things from the other sides’ perspective and about the danger of rushing a judgment without evidence and also about the responsibility of making a fair judgment when being in a position to do so.

The homework task for week two was to write about an incident in their lives where they had seen an act of justice or injustice occurring and how it made them feel.

Week 3: Justice poster:

During week three, students made a poster summarising what they had learned about the topic of justice by answering the questions above via their posters. Many creative pieces of work were submitted and portrayed just how important the correct understanding of these topics is for young minds in this day and age.

The homework task for week three was to complete the poster answering the ‘what, who, how and why’ of justice.

During the holidays at Ad-Duha:

Holidays will be beginning at Ad-Duha from the 19th of July as there will be a week off for Eid after which the summer holidays will begin. During the holidays there will still be many classes on going for the benefit of all, these include:

Follow us on social media to stay informed!

As mentioned previously, at Ad-Duha Institute we have been working on developing free resources to enable our distance learners to be able to learn and review Islamic content from the comfort of their homes.

This includes learning the Arabic alphabet, Basic Aqeedah, Islamic History and Identity as well as practical aspects like praying Salah, Tajweed and also Islamic character.

These will be sent out at the end of every month Bi’ithnillah.

Click on the link to download the activity pack already sent out for June.

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